A collection of essays, thoughts & interviews.
Writing and talking with others––alongside reading––have always been practices that have sharpened my ideas and enlarged my understanding. I have always believed that words create worlds. And while any real change has to result in the transformation of how we behave and practice, we first need to grapple with our imagination’s limitations. We need what poet Elizabeth Alexander once called “words that shimmer,” that open up fresh ways of seeing what was, what is, and what could be. Please find below a selection of podcast episodes, articles, and think pieces where I’ve tried to work out some of my ideas in words––toward more expansive ways of being and relating.
Exploring the need for dignity and emotional intelligence in leadership of the modern workplace
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Exploring how we think about and practice accountability–from pop culture to organizational life
Rumors and the persistent problem of power and boundaries among religious leaders
In light of recent allegations against a Christian leader
The President of the MacArthur Foundation reflects on organization-wide restorative justice process involving Jason Craige Harris.